
Long may the craic of DramFest continue...

Long may the craic of DramFest continue...

As Whisky Galore’s DramFest 2025 concludes, we reflect on a celebration or people and spirit from Michael, Siona and Seonaid.

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A good idea that got out of control!

A good idea that got out of control!

“18 years on you might say DramFest is having its coming-of-age year! It is of course much more involved however, I think we have managed to retain the most important aspect, the people that participate, the good folk that help, the visiting owner, brand ambassador, distillers, the fun (!) and of course the WHISK(E) Y!

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Rivalry, corruption & tasty morsels

Rivalry, corruption & tasty morsels

The annual contest for culinary excellence has very recently taken place at Whisky Galore. Once a year our team battle their egos and colleagues for the chance to claim the Collier Cup and more importantly bragging rights for year to come.

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Comings & Goings at Whisky Galore

Comings & Goings at Whisky Galore

Another whisky year gone, or at least that’s one way of looking at it and at Whisky Galore that is our focus and it is great to have a look back. We hosted two whisky tours, one in April, when Alex Bruce MQ of Adelphi and Ardnamurchan joined us for a six centre tour which sold out in a couple of days and was a huge hit. Ardnamurchan is truly on the map now and folk are totally besotted with it and Adelphi of course is in high demand as ever.

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