Longmorn 'Adelphi' 1992 / 32 years old #48454 49.9%

Longmorn 'Adelphi' 1992 / 32 years old #48454 49.9%

Region Speyside
Strength 49.9%
Volume 700ml

Distilled in 1992 at Longmorn, this single cask offering from Adelphi is a quintessential example of this iconic Speyside whisky. Over the years, we have seen numerous selections from the 1990's from Longmorn, and this is an exemplar of the style. A bounty of syrupy fruits both canned and fresh is surrounded by honey, waxy notes and lashings of apricot, citrus and herbal liqueur notes. There is a fleeting floral note of lavender or violet cream and a nutty macadamia.

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