Glenglassaugh 1972 / 42 years old #2125 47.3%

Glenglassaugh 1972 / 42 years old #2125 47.3%

Region Highland
Strength 47.30%
Volume 700ml

Selected for the 2nd 'Rare Casks' release from Glenglassaugh, this 42 year old single cask was distilled in 1972. Master distiller Billy Walker writes of a classic Glenglassaugh flavours - rich honey infused with allspice, roasted apples, a medley of syrupy fruit (pears, sultanas) and a deliciate, aromatic wood spice. Old whiskies from Glenglassaugh are amongst the very finest whiskies available from the Highland's, and 1972 is a year that exemplifies this style.


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